Garden Recipe: Tropical Sorrel Smoothie
A really quick delicious recipe for this early spring green.

Plants for a Cold Climate Food Forest
Not sure what to plant in your cold climate food forest? This post is filled with suggestions for you!

Eugenie the Giant Zucchini
What to do with a five-pound zucchini? Follow Eugenie to find out.

Recipe: Haskatoon Berry Freezer Jam
It’s not a typo! This incredibly fast easy recipe is a perfect way to use your haskap and saskatoon berries.

What you CAN plant before May Long
There is an idea that you cannot plant anything in your Zone three garden until after the May Long weekend. It’s a myth, and I am going to tell you all about what you can plant before Canada’s start-of-summer long weekend.

Garden Recipe: Chive Oil
A delicious versatile condiment that you can make from your garden in May.

When to Start Your Seeds Indoors
One of the most frequent questions I get from new gardeners is “ When should I start my seeds?”

Grow Lights for Seed Starting
Confused about what grow lights you need to start seeds? Read on to get answers!

Making Magic Zones in your Garden
Gardens are so much more than vegetables, flowers, and shrubs. Considering spaces for the humans that use a garden is key in the design process.

Creating Your Secret Garden Course - Spring Session
We’re excited to announce our brand new course - “Creating Your Secret Garden”.

How to Plant a Herb Spiral
Now that you’ve built your herb spiral, it’s time to decide what to plant in it!

How to build a herb spiral
A herb spiral is a fun, low cost, high impact garden project. Check out this post for a step by step tutorial on how to build your own herb spiral.

Garden Recipe: Crockpot Apple Butter
If you are feeling a pull to make cozy, comforting foods. One of my favourite garden recipes is a simple, delicious Crockpot Apple Butter.

Pruning & Permaculture Workshop!
Join us for a tripleheader mini workshop - pruning, permaculture and food security!

Garden Recipe: Slow Roasted Tomato Candy
This is a quick, easy way to preserve a bountiful harvest of tomatoes.

Your Garden Year In Review
There is one garden task that you cannot skip this fall (in fact, it’s the secret to a spectacular garden next season). Read on to learn more!

Get started with Garlic
Your how to guide to purchase, plant, and harvest garlic in your Zone 3 garden

Creative Canning: Freezer Jam
Jam isn’t just for toast! Flex your creative muscles in the preserving kitchen with freezer jam, a perfect recipe for beginners and advanced preservers.

When Should I Cover? A Guide to Frost.
In zone three, we can have as little as 100 frost-free days. Understand what plants can tolerate cold temperatures, and how you can prepare for frost.